“雪饼”案正式上诉 Updates of Appeal




心系雪饼的你,如果想要向雪饼传递你的支持和爱,可以:1)在雪饼留言网页留下你的鼓励,自由之日她们一定可以看到:https://padlet.com/freexqjb/xuebing;2)给雪饼寄送书籍或者明信片,请邮件索取具体地址和提供你其它的想法:freexuebing@protonmail.com .

#AppealUpdates It has been confirmed that Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing (“XueBing”) have formally appealed to the Higher People’s Court of Guangdong Province. Huang expressed her intention to appeal on the day of the verdict hearing, and has subsequently completed the appeal process, stating that regardless of the outcome of the second-instance in the future, she will continue to appeal to the end through all legal means. Wang has appealed part of the verdict.

Previously, on June 14, 2024, the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court handed down a first-instance verdict convicting the two of “inciting subversion of state power..” Huang was sentenced to five years and Wang was sentenced to three years and six months. Both were fined substantial amounts. The sentence was to penalize the two’s daily expression of social criticism and practice their freedom of expression, as well as their attempts in recent years to (re)build a network of young activists in China, where civic space has shrunk dramatically. During the hearing, the judge did not give the two an opportunity to make a statement, nor did the judge ask them if they wished to appeal. Huang took advantage of a break in the hearing to explicitly say that she did not accept the verdict and would appeal; Wang eventually didn’t get a chance to take a stand on the spot.

Huang and Wang will continue to be detained at the Guangzhou No. 1 Detention Center until the second instance concludes. So far, the two have been arbitrarily detained for 1018 days. It is reported that the two are currently in good condition. Wang asked friends not to worry about him. It’s just that life in the detention center is tough, and he wishes he could receive some books on ancient Chinese poetry and classic literature. Huang is strong-willed and has been consistently exercising. She has also fought for some improvements for the detainees, including better meals and hot baths.

Finally, for those of you who have XueBing on your mind and want to send your support and love to them, you can: 1) leave your encouragement and support on the Padlet webpage, which they will surely see on the day of their freedom: https://padlet.com/freexqjb/xuebing ; and 2) send them a book or a postcard. Email the support team for a specific address and/or offer any other creative ideas for action: freexuebing@protonmail.com .

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